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My Review of The Etymotic Gun Sport PRO Electronic Earplugs

October 10, 2018Domain.Data.Features.Blogs.Models.Author

I was recently given the chance to try out the Etymotic Gun Sport PRO Electronic Earplugs and I must say that I am impressed. First off the packaging is phenomenal. It comes with cleaning tools, filter tool, a bunch of different attachments to fit your ear, and best of all batteries. A ten pack of batteries is included and they are super easy to install. The hard case that the earplugs come in is great too. I can throw it in my pack and not have to worry if they get lost or damaged. 

I first tested them out when I was vacuuming my house. Kinda silly but I wanted to see how comfortable they were and if I could use them out on the gun range. In about a minute I forgot that they were even in. What else was great is that vacuuming was actually fun, say what!? The annoying noise was drastically reduced and my ears didn’t have that constant ringing like they normally do. What I really liked is that as soon as I turned off the vacuum, the noise volume gradually climbed back up. I kept it at the normal setting but on the back of the earplug there is a little lever that if you flip it magnifies the sound more. I found that the original setting was plenty good for holding conversations and such.

After forgetting I had them in, I took them out and decided I would make a quick run up to the gun range. I put ten rounds, out of my .380 auto, into the target and was utterly amazed. I am used to my ears being squished by the big, bulky over the ear protectors, but these make my stance feel more comfortable and I wasn’t so worried about my ear protection falling off. Also my eye protection didn’t interfere with them at all, which is a BONUS! 

Overall my experience with the Etymotic Gun Sport PRO Earplugs has been great. I have used them almost every weekend and each time I pull them out I am pleasantly surprised with how much I truly like them. If you are in the market for some new shooting ear protection, check them out. You won’t be disappointed. 

Other available earplugs