The Tell-Tale Signs of the Monster Buck   

How to Use the Rut to Your Advantage

October 14, 2024Domain.Data.Features.Blogs.Models.Author

The rut is your ace in the hole, your best advantage against your opponent

When it comes to deer hunting, the rut is your best opportunity to catch a big buck moving around. The rut happens in the fall, and bucks are driven by testosterone, which skyrockets during this period. This hormone fuels their aggression and makes them focus entirely on finding does in heat. It’s a perfect time for hunters to strike because bucks become less cautious, moving during daylight and covering more ground.Mating

During the rut, bucks often travel miles and wander outside their normal areas, chasing after does. This means mature bucks that usually move only at night are more active during the day, and they’re much more likely to respond to rattling or calls. You can take advantage of this by using rattling antlers to imitate the sound of two bucks fighting. This competitive behavior will draw out nearby bucks. Throw in some grunt calls, and you’ll have an even stronger lure to bring them in close.

Positioning is also key during the rut. Bucks will often cruise by doe bedding areas and travel corridors where does move. Setting up along these pathways allows you to catch bucks checking these spots for does in heat. Once you’ve located good spots where bucks are moving, stay patient because their behavior can be unpredictable during the rut.

When you find signs of rut activity—like bucks chasing does, scrapes, or rubs—enter the details into the Hunter Tracker app. Logging these observations will help you track the rut over time, allowing you to pinpoint exactly when it peaks. Plus, you’ll build a history of your hunting locations so you can return to those prime spots next year when the rut hits again.

The Hunter Tracker app also makes it easy to keep track of weather and wind conditions, which are especially important when hunting during the rut. Bucks might be more reckless, but they’ll still catch your scent if you’re not careful. By using the app’s wind direction tool, you can always stay downwind, increasing your chances of getting within range without spooking them.

On top of that, the Hunter Tracker app allows you to map out deer activity, mark bedding areas, rubs, and scrapes, and even record when you spot bucks in hot pursuit of does. All of this data helps you make smarter decisions while in the field.

As the rut progresses, bucks start actively running with the does. When a buck locates a doe in heat, he’ll follow her closely, but there’s a strategy to their movement. Bucks will often send does ahead into an area to make sure it’s safe. The doe acts as a scout, ensuring there’s no danger like predators or hunters waiting. Once she feels comfortable, the buck will follow her into the open.

This behavior is crucial for hunters to recognize. When you see does moving out into the open during the rut, stay alert. That buck is likely lingering nearby, ready to step out once he’s sure everything is clear. It’s important to stay patient and not rush your shot, as the buck could appear moments after the does have passed.

Logging these moments into the Hunter Tracker app can help you build a better understanding of buck behavior in your area. Mark when you see does followed by bucks, and track their paths to predict where bucks will move next. This kind of insight helps you know exactly when and where to hunt during peak rut activity.

With bucks so focused on does, you can turn this behavior to your advantage and increase your chances of taking down a trophy buck!