Always Learning | Resolutions And Hunting
March 14, 2018Kelly Hampton
2018 Hunting Dreams Begin…
March 14, 2018Kelly Hampton
If any of you are considering New Mexico for hunting, you’re probably like me right now—a kid at Christmas making out a wish list of what the NM Draw is going to bring, hoping that their selection is granted come the draw results.
New Mexico is one of those states that does not work off a point system like some states, however. It’s more like a lottery. To obtain a draw-hunt license or permit, customers must complete an application for each species. Please review the current Hunting Rules and Information booklet for regulations, requirements, species information and hunt codes specific to each hunt:
Steps Involved:
New Mexico does not grant preference to unsuccessful applicants.
If you’ve hunted NM the year prior, it is important to remember that you must complete your harvest report first. Once your harvest report is completed, it’s time to start filling out your application. You will need to purchase your general hunting license and habitat stamps as required by the laws put in place by the NM Game and Fish.
Hunts that can be applied for in NM include Deer, Elk, Pronghorn Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Ibex, Barbary Sheep, Oryx, Turkey, Javalina, Bear, and Cougar. NM has a wide variety and great hunting choices.
For more information please visit:
Remember the deadline for NM is just around the corner on March 21st, so good luck to you all for the draw! Thanks for reading, and happy hunting to you all!
- All completed and paid applications are entered into a random computerized drawing that assigns each application a sequence number.
- Based on the random sequence number, the system examines each application in its entirety and attempts to match the first, second, then third choices on the application with available licenses or permits according to the quota system established by state law described below.
- If licenses or permits have already been awarded for all hunt choices on the application, the application will be unsuccessful, and the system will advance to the next application in the sequence.